LIC Jeevan Labh Calculator

LIC Jeevan Labh is one of the best selling plans of LIC. You can find LIC Jeevan Labh Calculator here to find out the premium, returns, tax saved and other information.

LIC Jeevan Labh is a limited premium payment plan. Limited premium payment means that you pay the premium for lesser years instead of the whole policy term. This means, the policy holder enjoys premium holiday for a few years.

LIC Jeevan Labh also offers higher bonus compared to other LIC plans. You can enjoy more returns, that too TAX FREE !!





With millions of internet users in the nation today, who use the online platform to buy everything, it is little wonder that they are open to buying online life insurance polices too. The life insurance sector is very much a part of the rise of e-commerce in India. Buying a new policy online is gaining popularity across the nation. Here are some reasons why you should opt for online insurance plans.

Buy from the safety of your home 

Covid -19 has transformed our way of living in many ways today. Meeting new people to buy a policy is no more considered safe or feasible. So buying your insurance policy from the comfort of your house is a great advantage without having to step out.

Empowering the customer

Customers who are willing to make an online purchase can get all the information regarding the product on the website. Policy features, tenure and riders clearly mentioned to make an informed decision.

However, as much as buying LIC insurance online comes with many benefits, the customer may still need handholding. You may need assistance to choose a plan suited for your needs. You can reach us via chat, email or customer care number provided to help you decide. If any extra information needed to choose the right plan for you please do reach our with your specific requirements


Jeevan Anand              Jeevan Labh               Jeevan Umang

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